
By gemmer

Nitro Circus

Got tickets to go and see this amazing action sports show at the Hydro in Glasgow for hubby's birthday in May. I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by! We drove down to Glasgow in the afternoon and checked in to our hotel then went for a lovely burger at a new diner type place - it was yummy! We walked to the Hydro from the centre of town (bad idea) but got lost, in the dark, in a dodgy area of Glasgow... The show was brilliant! Lots of big big jumps and scary tricks on bikes, skateboards, scooters, bath tubs(!), motocross bikes and even a snowmobile! Also a world first of a triple back flip on a mountain bike and the only person to currently be undertaking double back flips on a motorbike! Our clothes smelled of two stroke after that!

Unfortunately all of my photos of the action didn't turn out well - dark arena, facing into the spotlights and fast action shots required. Any tips greatly appreciated...

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