
By Croft16

Stone washed..

..the beach road after last nights storm. The news is reporting 85mph average at the peak of the storm, with gusts of 116 mph on Lewis, and 140 mph in the Nevis range.

The poly-tunnel survived, and the solar panels, and the green houses. The bins blew over, and one spread tins and boxes around. The soil pipe on the downstairs loo blew over, and is fixed back in place with plastic ties. Three empty compost bins blew away, I've found two of them!! and the lids blew off the full ones, found them too!!

Awoke at 4:15 by flashes of lightening, so I sat up and watched it for a few minutes. There were sheets of rain and hail blowing in the glow of the street light. Then the lightening appeared to strike just behind the fire station, and the electric went off. Back on around midday, so it was tea and toast on the wood burning stove again.. Getting used to this now.

Phoned T from A's (our phone needs electricity) and decided that the AA could wait a day to pick up her car from the Village hall. So took her key down to the shop for her to pick up. Took some pics of the waves (which were quite impressive), but thought this pic of stones washed up onto the beach road was more meaningful.. Snow showers all day, and nearly settled, suspect the higher routes will be worse on Saturday..

Cleaned the car today, windows and a hoover. Checked levels. All ready for a foray South on Saturday..

Now loaded Mozilla as a web browser, so I'll see if I can play music tonight.. I tried loading the pic twice again in Internet Explorer, both failed, and this was Blip Centrals suggestion..


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