get around

After the slight increase in warmth of the weekend it was nice and autumny again today, slightly justifying the scarves of the students now getting into shot everywhere one chooses to stop and squat. Despite infesting many coffee-vendors they haven't yet taken over Black Medicine to the point that there were no seats though there were a couple of extra people sitting outside round the back stealing the wifi without buying any coffee. The new till arrangements in the shop appear to be working satisfactorily to the extent that it has not yet been necessary for the queue to span both the newspaper and soup aisles even with the obviously large volumes of people in the store. Apart from a stack of cheap microwaves near the tills the shop-content doesn't seem to have been adjusted much though I wasn't near enough or familiar enough with the beer aisle to notice any difference there.

Despite the apparent preference for students to mostly run up and down the bit of grass beneath the Crags or round the hill one popped out in front of me just as I came out of the tunnel on the way to Duddingston this evening. Although it was still not quite properly dark it was dark enough to have made running a few feet behind someone in the shadows of trees on a mostly deserted path for a mile slightly sinister for the person in front, but they slowed down a bit enough to make it worth getting past them rather than attempting to maintain an unsinister distance behind them.

The extra time available by not walking home from Straiton this week meant an extra hour or so in the evening to be able to catch up on iPlayer content and whilst Last Chance to See II is not something I'd miss it's a bit odd seeing Stephen Fry attempting to pretend to not know anything about the beasts under scrutiny when he's bound to at least have listened to the original series or read the book. It's a pity he wasn't writing Dork Talk columns for the newspaper during filming as he appeared to be testing the resistance of several small electronic items to heavy sweat immersion by keeping them in the breast pockets of his shirt whilst walking through hot and/or humid environments.

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