The Power Cut Season

A long day in the dark. We had our first big long power cut of the winter today.
It came on shortly after 10pm. It went off about 6.00am. We went through two gas bottles in our camping stove making hot drinks, cooking lunch dinner and a filling a couple of hot water bottles. I cancelled my site work in the mountains late last night as the forecast painted a blacker and blacker picture of the impending storm. They weren’t wrong either. The storm in the early hours especially was dreadful.

Some folk we know had the misfortune for a couple of big trees to blow over next to them. One of the trees before crashing on to the roof pulled down some overhead lines with it. Fearing electrocution or a possible fire the man phoned 999 and was simply told to phone the relevant electricity company. He was left to sort this out in darkness and without further assistance from the operator.
Upon making the decision to abandon site work for today I thought we would get through a big bundle of accounts stuff in the office but everything is on computer. It was a wasted day apart from Caley getting a really good walk at Leanachan. It was cold and windy and the snow was always swirling about if not lying at this stage of the day. The ground is white now.
Despite pointing the camera away from the wind the swirling snow still put droplets on the lens. Caley and I stayed very still for this one. If you look closely the rushes beyond are all motion blurred.
Shortly after this we were walking in to a right blizzard. Mrs Cakes thought that its exfoliating properties were beyond normal beauty product requirements.

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