Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin


No lunching outdoors in Victoria today. It snowed! Can you see it? Tonight will be the coldest night this year and there will be more snow. Exciting!

We had a massive power outage at 4.40pm today. Practically the whole town was out and it was only 20 minutes before our TV News goes to air. Fortunately, we have a diesel generator on our roof that kicks in one second after the power goes. If you stand beneath that spot on the third floor, it sounds like a helicopter is landing on the roof. But it never fails. It only powers our Newsrooms. And just emergency lighting in the rest of the building. News had to scramble to set up for a low light broadcast. No bells and whistles. And we couldn`t get any of the News vehicles out of the parking cage because the manual crank on the gate had frozen. Quite a shambles and a lot of barking went on for a few minutes, but they made it to air on time.

I walked home through dark streets. Every now and then the street would flicker alight for a minute or two, then go down again. By the time I got home Fred had made a lovely fire. He said he'd have s'mores for his supper. HA!

Power`s mostly back up across town.

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