
By CameraHappy

What's In The Box?!

It's a mystery! This is the season of great excitement for the little ones - a Christmas tree with brightly wrapped packages beneath - almost overwhelming for them. For some children, curiosity gets the best of them. Presents are opened ahead of time, sometimes unwrapped and re-wrapped. The young ones do not think their parents will notice, but realize they should not have opened the package! I think back to when I was young. I preferred the anticipation of being surprised on Christmas morning, so I did not attempt to find or open the gifts early.

There is typically a curiosity for children about what is in a closed box, especially if the packaging is enticing. This is a photo of one of the boxes in which I keep board games. The grand kids like to take the lid off and peek inside.

However, this photo does not really depict the actual box. One of the things I like about photography is turning a regular photo into a more artistic and mysterious version. This photo has been "doctored" by photoshop. I used the negative coloring in curves and the spherize distortion filter. I'll leave it to you to figure out the real colors, and by the way, you can buy the cardboard storage box at IKEA.

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