an old cynic's view

By superhero

Remember I told you all about the new school

Well this is the onLy road in and out of the preferred site.
Picture the scene, it's 8.45 and there is an accident just here.
The entry onto this road comes from one of two exit roads from the town, on the road we have parents doing the school run, double decker buses bringing kids from outlying areas.
Supply vehicles i.e. Articulated lorries.
How on earth do the emergency vehicles get in?????
Total turmoil.
Let's go to the site itself.

It was originally the River Leven which has been narrowed a lot since the council have been dumping rubble and building materials for years.
Now you can't dump rubble witHout permission
Yes from the council!!!!
You also need to pay someone for dumping rubble.
So who has been payed for this????
Also I would imagine the
And next to the park I would imagine land will need to bought for access area.
So to sum up I have to ask, who is going to profit from this shambles????
Certainly not the citizens of the town !!!!

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