By wellsforzoe


We support 31 preschools in various stated of completion.
Some are in sheds, Churches, under trees or in someones house, but they are all functioning.
We work with the communities ensuring that everyone is on board and in fact up and running. We train the traditional authorities, the development people, the carers, the porridge ladies and the school committee all together at the beginning. We have continuous training for the care givers, in rotation schools in each cluster.
We give some little equipment, but teach them to make their own from local materials.
Then when they decide to have a formal building, they must find the site, make the bricks and do all the building work. We then supply the iron sheets and a few bags of cement for the floor.
It is a very strict regime and we never change the system, so everyone knows.
The transfer to primary schools seems seamless which sometimes means that kids in a particular area actually attend for the first time as we liaise with the Primary schools. Ordinary village women (code for extraordinary women) become phenomenal voluntary carers.
There are probably 1000 villagers involved in this project in one way or another and we salute them all. The total project is like a miracle virus.
This school is almost complete except for the beam filling as it is called. Casca was here today to check progress, on his bike, 20 km from home on absolutely horrific dirt roads.
It is surprising what Malawians can do when they are working THEIR way on THEIR plans

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