....How old?.....

Less than 16 hours actually!

I didn't blip last night....but I've got a good excuse....honest.

Meet our new grand-daughter Hannah....born at 01.37 this morning.

We were just planning our trip to the Thursday fun quiz, when we got a call....."It's started"

The Boss went to pick up Charlie....the expectant parents headed off to hospital....Charlie arrived...and instantly wondered if she could share Grandad's chocolate.

The Daughter baby sat...we nipped out....we came home early....I went off to bed around midnight...the Boss came to bed around 2.00 and disturbed me......I came down for a drink....a text arrived..."She's here! Every thing perfect"...I went and woke the Boss to tell her....the phone rang...the S & H with all the details.

The Boss went back to bed...I stayed up....just in case....just in case what I don't know.......eventually went up...but didn't really sleep...dozed on and off for a couple of hours then up for work.

Text at 09.00...to tell me they were all back home!

Went through the day in a daze....you can teach by remote control....well I did today.....can't remember a thing that I did....left on the bell and drove to see Hannah....a cuddle...a cuddle for Charlie too...photographs.....back home...phone calls galore to friends and family....KFC for supper....and now I really do need some sleep.....zzzzzzzzzzzz

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