
By meccanica

mixed emotions

We've entered the season of tears. Stress from several directions is taking it's toll on a number of our students and I have ended up talking to three with tears in their eyes this week already. I hate being part of what is putting them through this stress, but love seeing them come out the other side. This is the last time I will go through the season of tears though. Hopefully I can get through it myself without breaking down - while things are good with my health we are under a fair bit of stress selling and buying houses, moving to the other end of the island, starting new jobs (or 'retiring' in my case) and my father is very sick, as is a close friend's, another's brother just died and on it goes.

I have put on three kilos in three months though (that's a good thing) - just have to make sure I don't keep putting on weight at that rate...

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