Planted baskets

There was a party atmosphere at the small local garden centre this morning. I knew when I had trouble finding a spot in the car park that it would be busy. The Leatherhead Lions had brought Father Christmas on his sleigh and were collecting for local charities. The birds in the aviary were trying to compete with the piped Christmas carols - they are usually quite noisy but today they were making a real racket! Customers were lining up to have their selected tree put in its net and the door wreaths were selling well. The small cafe was full of people having coffee. There was a happy, buzzy atmosphere.
I bought a plain wreath for the front door - I'll decorate it, and a planted basket from this sumptuous display to take to my sister next week. (I've bought it early so that we can enjoy it for a few days first!)
When I got home I went up into the loft to get the Christmas boxes down for ribbons and bits to decorate my wreath. Normous was dismayed "You're not decorating already, are you?" was his comment.

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