Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

What a day...

Since I'm sorting through boxes from the storage room, my hallway looks like a obstacle course (if that's the right word…). I have to step over plastic bags, side step boxes and some boxes I have to be careful not to bump to hard because then they might bump the tower of empty boxes by the wall and make them fall down… I have to do a 'pocket knife- move' to get the shoes and a balancing act to get them on… then put on my jacket, grab my keys, open the door and sidestep the last box. Out the door, at last and of on a jog and walk for about 3 kilometers, then do the reverse moves and way back through the hallway. Then I had to do that all over again on my way to work… and when I came home from work… :D
After work we went to a Christmas dinner thingy with work. A really nice dinner, but we didn't get food until after 1 1/2 hour… first there was a band playing a lot of pieces and trying to talk with the people next to you then was all but impossible. Then everybody had to wait until their turn in the food queue. Our table was almost last in line... But we had a great time and the food was nice! It was also nice to sit down and talk with some of my work friends and some I hadn't seen for a while.
We went by bus from the restaurant. It was really slippery outside on our way to the restaurant and of course my shoes isn't really good to walk in on icy roads. Then I had to run to catch my other bus and to a slippery walk home, before entering the obstacle course in the hallway…

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