
By scribbler

Peanut brittle

Frozen selfie, 25° F. (One-snap blip.)

Brittle is today's DDW-Mollymay challenge topic.

It's so cold I could snap like an icicle - as bitter chill as St. Agnes' Eve.
My prediction of spring appears to have been a bit premature. We are in for weeks of this.

Thank you for the sweet comments and stars yesterday for my plastic tree. The gift boxes under the tree, btw, appear to be either painted metal (I could manage to tip them a bit) or painted concrete (immovable, probably delivered with a fork lift).

I would love to reciprocate but am still under the weather. No writing at all. Rx Sudafed (used to be OTC before the meth-heads started cooking it) has dried up my sniffles, but loss of IQ points shows that I have a way to go before normality - such as I ever had - returns.

Stay warm, y'all!
(Those down under or enjoying equatorial reprieve, stay cool.)

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