Now we have everything

By Gembop

Christmas comes early (Baby's 1st Cookie)

Charlie and I had a bit of a ph0toshoot today, our first really. When I was pregnant I had all these visions of creating wonderful pictures with my sleeping babe a la Mila's Daydreams but Charlie never slept so soundly. Funnily enough, I've just read on that blog that Mila's brother doesn't either, so her mother hasn't been able to repeat the process. Maybe my next will zonk out a little harder!

Charlie has been patient enough for our monthly pictures, so I thought I'd try to get a few christmas pictures to use for christmas cards for family and close friends. We're a little early as I have a groupon voucher I want to use that expires at midnight tonight.

I waited until after Charlie's first nap and then got everything together: silly costumes, white fur stole, christmas hats, face paint, baubles, snow sheets, cookies, plate and note to Santa.

Three hours later and Charlie had pooed on the spare room carpet (he was nappy-off for a few shots), smashed the bauble that I actually thought was plastic, and was wild-eyed after trying his first chocolate chip cookie - which he smeared over everything white.

But, I think we got some good shots. Today's pic is a sneek peek.

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