An artificial island

Some years ago the town council decided to construct this artificial island in the river so wild plants could grow on it and provide a resting place for wildlife. The island is visited occasionally by a Heron and used as a nesting place mostly by Coots, Moorhens, Mallards and other ducks. For several years now one pair of Great Crested Grebes have also succesfully nested there though. This year they were joined by a second pair of Grebes and even a pair of Mute Swans who had also chosen to nest at the island.

The artificial island is not far from where we live now but unfortunately it will be out of the way somewhat after we've moved and I won't be riding past it on my bicycle anymore when I go to the sanctuary to walk one of their dogs or when I have to go shopping.

Today was quite a hectic day again and I only had time to stop for a few seconds at the artificial island to take this photo.

A big thank you for the lovely comments and stars on yesterday's blip of my cockatiel Mieke and budgie Ozzie.

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