Tantrums and fairy lights

Bounded out of bed, all ready to leave the house at 11:30 to meet Marie and her lot at the pottery painting cafe. Marie loved her Birthday present Will is now demanding that we buy ourselves one too.

So, Will and Christmas. As you know, he has been preparing many decorations in recent weeks and had recently taken to declaring that this will be the "best Christmas ever". He got in a terrible mood with me today because I said we would not get our tree until next Friday. He was so cross that he refused to speak to me for ages. When he came back round, I asked if he wanted some fairy lights in his room. Yes he would apparently and now he spends all his time in his room looking at them, only coming out every now and then to thank me for letting him have them. Love my boy.

And thanks to Daisy's resourcefulness and Benelia's shepherd outfit circa 2008/2009, Innkeeper Wills costume is all packed and ready to go. Dress up costumes and me are not close friends, so this is good news.

I made a fantastic pudding out of stale cake (I know, I don't quite know how that happened either)
This shot is nothing to do with the day at all, on my phone though because once again, I didn't have a bloody card with me. What a lot of words today, and all sooo interesting to everyone!

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