Smiles to show we are all better, thank you for your well wishes yesterday x x x

I'm pretty sure Minnie has reflux as she has been very vocal and clearly in discomfort when feeding but a pleasure at all other times. She is currently kicking about on her activity mat watching Strictly - she has kicked so much she has turned herself 180 degrees! A couple more humdinger nappies - one resulted in a bath and one resulted in cutting off her vest too! She has such skinny legs that one size of nappies are too small on her legs but the smaller size are not high enough on her body for her.....poop everywhere ;/

A doing day means the day has flown by! Dog walk, lots of little jobs, a handful of presents wrapped, a few cards written, dinner cooked, sticky toffee pudding to follow and reality TV to follow.

Book club tomorrow with a Christmas get together too - I loved A Christmas Carol, well worth a read :)

PS -we have filled 8 big bin bags with leaves from the front of the house. The really annoying thing is they aren't even from our tree, it's from a tree two houses up.........and there are still just as many left!!! Not annoying at all!!!!!

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