The Frizzy Tree

After yesterday's short run I took a longer route today, doing a big circuit of the moor at a steady pace. I think I took the zip out of my legs with yesterday's effort but I didn't experience any niggles. I felt I should really be out on the bike this weekend but the weather got the better of me. I'm feeling rather wimpy at the moment when it comes to cycling. There was a bit of brightness in the sky when I set off but by the time I got home rain had set in for the evening. It sounds pretty wild out there at the moment. Winter has definitely arrived.

It's going to be another very long week at work so I've tried to turn my head off today and stay away from the computer as much as possible. I feel a little guilty about not catching up with you here but I've really got to pace myself with time spent looking at this screen. It seems to be putting a strain on my eyes that I've never really experienced before.

I've chosen to post this because I'm aware that I've not posted a tree in a while. And I do love them so. I feel like I should know what kind this is but I have to admit that I don't. There are a few of them at this point here, just about the last trees to be found on the moor as you head west from Ilkley. They are very hardy. Anyone care to enlighten me?

Finally, on behalf of a close friend who prefers to keep a low profile, a special thank you for all the love for Edna! It's very much appreciated from the both of us.

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