
After last nights late night and too much Rioja I was very slow to start. But once I dragged my sorry self out if bed, I whipped up a splendid lunch for the returning rugby players.

The afternoon was spent unblocking our drains. A very shitty job in every meaning of the word. I let MrRoly get his hands in though, I am very much a fair weather feminist ;-) and I had to nitty grit Ally as he was missed out yesterday. But we now have free running drains once again.

We scrubbed ourselves down in time to go to The Salvation Army's "The Best Christmas Presence" at the Princess Pavillions - carols and a good old sing! The highlight for me was a live version of BoneyM's 'Mary's Boy Child' by 3 - not sure how well that went down with the traditionalist but the Roly family sand and bopped away! But we are now well and truly into the Christmas spirit now so may even get the tree down some time this week...

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