Journey Through Time

By Sue

Red-Breasted Sapsucker

A horrible picture, but the best of the lot and it's unlikely I'll get a better shot of this new visitor to our yard, so here it is. It's new to us anyway and the first time Bill or I have ever seen one in our yard or anywhere, for that matter. Yay! This guy has been on this big fir tree for quite a while and it was fun watching it travel up and down the side of the tree. I dared not get too close to him, for fear he would fly off, so the shots are from our open patio door. At least we have a record of this bird being in our yard.

Sapsuckers drink sap from holes drilled in trees. Also eats insects. Hybridizes with Red-naped Sapsucker where ranges overlap. Rufous Hummingbird drinks from sapsucker holes and may depend on this sap for early spring food when it migrates north.

I woke up just a bit too late to see a glorious sunrise this morning. Rats. I took out the hummer food and could tell that the morning clouds had a faint pink tint and knew I'd missed something good. But Musings got it!! Check it out.

Another cold, cold day, but compared to the rest of the nation, I'm not gonna complain.

See ya later

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