The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild


Life is fragile. The sense of immortality that we feel as youth, gives way to a sense of reality as we age.

Some of us float through life without a care, while others worry, feel anxious, and live in fear. I have always admired those who have the ability to walk in love and have strong faith. For me, it has never been easy.

By nature, I am a perfectionist, giving 110% to most everything that I do. I often wonder if anyone will care when I leave this planet for the celestial world. Will it have been worth my efforts? Will I have made a difference in people's lives?

Two days ago, an old friend passed away in a tragic accident. She was just starting to live the life she had dreamed of, with her own home and a new set of friends. She had dreams and was trying to change old habits that had previously dragged her down.

She and I had our differences. We understood one another enough to know that we would never be super close, but that we could be cordial and co-exist with mutual friends.

Tonight, I offer a fire of many colors, courtesy of special pine cones. It reminds me of how each of us is unique, yet we all share similar chemical makeups.

In the end, we are like a dying fire. Ashes and dust.

Our pure energy remains in the Universe, forever after our physical selves cease to exist.

We are all one.

Life is pretty cool.

Enjoy your's.

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