
By LynnH


Moss has been acting totally out of character for a few weeks and then started to really snarl at me when I touched his head/eyes/ears. Then he was very distressed because he had snarled and tried to lick me and cowered.
Straight to the vets.
He had a real going over and only growled at the vet when he touched around his eyes and the front of his head.
Not sure what is wrong so vet decided to put him on some very strong painkillers to see if he still reacted the same when not in pain - in case it is behavioural, which I doubt.
Vet thinks he may have an infection, something in his eye or some sort of sinus problem as he is sneezing a lot.
Massive problem for me though as MOSS will not take tablets and can smell anything at 300 yds!
I had to buy the most expensive and smelliest cheese from the local deli and wrap the tablets up each morning to get them down him as there was no way I could open his mouth to drop them in as I usually do
He's been on them 5 days now and so far no more growling but haven't touched his face area yet.

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