'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

An inspiring start to the week!

When I reached the bottom of my drive this morning (running rather late) I was greeted by this. There was no way that I could not stop and take a blip or two! The view has stuck with me all day and just really made me thankful! A comment made at the weekend has also really stuck with me. How many times do we avoid doing something just in case it makes us look or feel a bit stupid when it fact it could be the complete opposite? But more importantly if all that is going to happen is that you might look a bit silly - it's not forever - and it can be overcome (and be a bit of a confidence booster!). It is about getting out there, taking a few risks, being a bit of a twit at times, laughing and smiling and remembering we can only live this life once! Three beautiful things: Sunrise A compliment A team spirit One thing to be grateful for: Support

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