just sitting,

By justsitting


What are car alarms really for? I had to ring a neighbours doorbell at 2.15am as their car alarm had woken me up and kept waking me as I dosed for another half an hour. All they said when they answered the door was ' Oh, was that mine?' Arggh!

today was a mad rush to get to school on time, just got into the playground and the bell went, phew.! R and I then headed down to Bennies for my 6 weekly No1.5. and then off to Real Foods for some supplies.

Came home and spent some time doing jigsaws with R.

Dropped R at nursery and headed to the mosque for lunch. This is certainly my favorite lunch spot, I just wish the tables were a touch more level as my ginger beer kept sliding down the table towards me.

Went into A's class at pick time and saw all the 'work' that the children have been doing in P1.

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