
By Poppy

"Can we take it home?"

A few weeks ago I found the remains of a long dead whale washed up on the beach below the cliffs. It was mostly skin and blubber, about 12 foot long, but over the weeks I've seen it gradually getting smaller and smaller as the gulls devoured it. Bits of it were torn off by the weather and then in the gales last week it completely vanished.

Today Ollie and I had our first good long walk since then. It was dry and calm and the temperature was in double figures (just!) so we had some proper exercise! From up on the cliff top I could see something white and it turned out to be this what I take to be a scapula/shoulder blade. In amongst the rocks there were a couple of rib bones, but sadly that is all there is left of this once magnificent creature.

Just realised that this is my 1400th blip so it's probably fitting that Ollie is on it as he was on one of my very first blips in 2007! The really observant amongst you will see that his once pink nose is now almost completely black - that's ageing for you, but luckily it doesn't apply to humans! Thanks to those of you who have been with me from the start and to all those who have joined me later in this journey. It's a great community and I have made some good friends along the way. Looking back at past blips from years ago makes me realise how much my life has changed and how lucky I am to be where I am now, physically and emotionally. Thanks, Blip!

And yes, we did take it home . . . . !

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