"Teigan and April-Louise" ...

...We had an early start this morning to travel to Queensland to be with our daughter April-Louise and children, and it was a good trip apart from John having a tangle-up with someone's luggage which had something sharp on it whilst being put into the into the overhead compartment on one of the planes we travelled on...

... And one kind passenger racing for the first-aid kit there somewhere to attend to and cover the wound, rather than have blood everywhere as well as on his jeans - and me becoming quite out of breath climbing the steps and walking miles in the airport - we arrived all in one piece, both of us, and so good it was to see our family too....

...We could only see Teigan and Jackson, as Amber was out, but Jack had to go to a school presentation so I was only able to photograph our lovely girls here tonight, April-Louise almost 40 now and Teigan now 8, and still a character of a girl..

...So lovely it is to be with them again...and I'm sure we'll sleep well tonight after all the excitement..it shall be a busy day again tomorrow, for sure...

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