F.M.I.L. 85 Birthday Cards

Yesterday was my Favourite Mother in Laws' 85th Birthday, I've photographed her cards because there's a couple of interesting ones that it's good remember.
The one of her in the middle is when she was about 20 years old, Marlane used that photo to order one from Moonpig.com. The one with Popeye dressed as the Pope says 'Popeye the Saviour Man'.
There's also a couple of handmade ones from the boys, Dhylan and Lennon.

Yesterday evening we all when to the boys school 'I-Sing-Pop' Christmas concert. It was fabulous, great fun and I quietly asked if they could sing Happy Birthday to F.M.I.L.
Before the concert started the headmistress made an announcement about Betty's birthday and all of the children and audience sang Happy Birthday. There was about 300 in the audience and about 150 children. She was pleasantly shocked and took a bow.

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