Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Count of Monte Cristo

1. Feel guilty at not having blipped properly
2. Have an idea for a photo
3. Wimp out of doing photo in garden
4. Find memory card
5. Stand camera on an impromptu tripod of: bookcase, "Count of Monte Cristo" and "Monkey"
6. Remove glasses, put on mask, turn off all lamps
7. Realise you then can't see where you've put the torch. Or the remote shutter release.
8. Take mask off, put a light on, find torch and remote shutter
9. Put mask back on, switch light off
10. Take photo
11. Take several more photos
12. Get bored with unable to see or breathe properly and decide "that'll do"
13. Process photo and realise you didn't properly pop out the mouth and snout so that, rather than look menacing and scary, it looks like the mask is smiling.
14. Think "sod it, that'll do"

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