So here we are.....

By jacquieryan

Paper for Malawi!!

Happy Arthurs day?! One cant help but wonder how much has being spent on marketing this day? and yet people lie homeless on the street alot due to addicton to the drink! would it not be more in the intrest of people as a whole to put that money on rehabalation and help for those suffering addiction?? BUt on a more positive happy note follwoing my visit on Sunday to John and Mary Coynes house I learned that one thing they really need in Aras Kate in Mzuzu is Paper. Today I have managed to make contact with a source of paper. The picture shows damaged 'dog eared' paper that cannot be used in the photocopier however im pretty sure children in an orphan daycare center are not going to worry about the quality of the paper so the good news is from today I will be able to supply alot of paper to the daycare center!! I got my first box which contains over 2000 sheets of A4 pages and there is much more to come!!

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