Red-breasted Nuthatch... and a real flake.

If you pop it into large you may be able to see the mid-air snowflake I caught (at a distance of 12+ feet). It's just in front of this cute little nuthatch's forehead.

I had better shots of this bird... but when I saw the classically shaped snowflake suspended in this one, I just couldn't resist. Plus, I don't think I've blipped a red-breasted nuthatch before. (Typically I see the white-breasted variety, and have blipped that one a few times.) Second place went to this beautiful female hairy woodpecker. She was working extremely hard to get to something just behind this old/unused feeder. Whatever it was, she made it look pretty good, as the bluejays caught on and took over the spot.

I think I've mentioned that it's been a bit cold lately... Well, last night when we were watching to the news, the weatherman said, "Some of you may think it's been cold lately. But compared to what is coming tomorrow, it really hasn't!" And he was right! Snow all day and a windchill of -9 (F) degrees (-22 C). BURRRRR! I opted for indoors and cozy...

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