It's a Geeks Life

By geekmeek


My day off started early, off to meet SueL7 in the park for a spot of sunrise and mist. Well, I couldn't see the end of my nose! I popped a torch on my head so Sue could find me.

Setting up on the bridge as I was waiting, we nearly had disaster. My geared tripod head, had come loose and fell off. Good news, the camera was not on it, bad news was it went in the water! So I started the morning laying on the ground whith my arm in the water to retrieve it.

Well we waited and the sunrise came and went and the fog did not lift. After a good natter, Sue, who loves the wildlife went off on her bike to find MaxEllis who was stalking Stags. I am way too wimpy to do that stuff!

I wandered around the pond to find this Swan.

The rest of my day involves an RPS commitee meeting, a Xmas lunch and an exhibition, all in town so I may get some street shots too. Happy days!

Thanks for a fab response to yesterdays shot, I nearly didn't post it, so glad I did!

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