Life through the lens...

By ValC


Our eldest grandson is 17 today!
How time flies.
Where have those years gone.

As requested I baked him a chocolate fudge cake.
400 grams of chocolate, plus double cream, butter, and the rest!
Well he is a growing lad!

Hates having his photo taken, so I thought I did well here.

Better day today, but still waiting for a plumber to ring me back re Washing machine flood.
At last got the Christmas cards written, and the tree is up waiting for my little ( well not so little now!) helpers to come and help me decorate it tomorrow.

We are actually watching an old (very old) Judy Garland Christmas Show in black and white. (on Sky Arts) Guest include Jack Jones, Mel Torme and her children.
Sorry, but I am really enjoying it!!!!!

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