Forth and Clyde Canal in Winter.

Mid December almost and the canal is not frozen nor is there snow on the ground - thank goodness!
Early afternoon and MaggieD and I took Rona along the canal for a walk. Nice and dry but it got increasingly cool as we walked so we did not go too far as we both had only light jackets. Just as I took this there was a splash and a ripple right under my feet at the water's edge. We spotted a trail of bubbles heading across the canal but nothing surfaced. We have no idea what caused the splash but I suspect a water vole a.k.a. Ratty from The Wind in the Willows.
Later Ali, Euan, Eve and Rona came up and we had a great time. Eve is now getting quite confident on he feet but just try and take a photo - she just bumps straight down on her derrière! Euan and I had great fun playing Postman Pat, strolling up the street delivering Christmas cards.
All away home now and it is time to sit back and put the kettle on for a well-earned cuppa!

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