East End

An all weather skating rink has been put up at Castlegate for the festive period. I thought I would go along and take a look. Maybe get a few photographs of happy skaters. No luck it is enclosed in a large tent (marquee).

I had read in the local newspaper there is a Santa's Grotto installed in Union Terrace Gardens, I thought I would head along there, maybe get a photograph of some polar bears or penguins or reindeer. No luck everything was closed up inside a couple of large tents (marquees).

The photograph here is taken from Castlegate looking towards the east end of Union Street. The Christmas tree is an annual present from Stavanger in Norway. I wonder what Aberdeen gives in return, I might suggest a barrel of oil but they have plenty of their own.

The impressive portico leads into a pub, but used to be a bank. This photo was taken in a very brief moment of bright sunshine, about five minutes later the sun had disappeared and it was cloudy, which it remained for the rest of the day. Still unseasonably mild though.

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