Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Leaves and Lines

Such a grey day, with some rain too. These “white things” caught my eye in the tree across the street - it almost looked like paper. with darker birds fluttering around in the breeze….... but it’s just a few leaves left and a wonderful array of layered branches, like lines on a canvas.

Thanks so much for all the very nice comments etc for my Work of Art/Anniversary Cake yesterday. I called the bakery to thank them and found out that the talented decorator is the owner! That makes sense. I haven't been there before this.
( I have managed to post a flickr set from the party in case you are a glutton to see more cake and food or yourself (to my book club….)

And tonight we shall have another toast (it’s going to keep going ..!) - out to a good seafood dinner with old friends and business partner of H’s.

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