Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Sheltering sheep

I was hoping for a good sunset tonight, as I'd sussed out a spot in the reserve just down the hill from us to get a different view of Castle Rock. The easterly cloud came in, and we didn't see the sun go down from here.

So I'm left with my sheep shot from this morning. We didn't walk up the hill first thing as there were other things to do, so it was mid-morning by the time I grabbed this picture of the sheep resting under the macrocarpa trees at the top of the Britten Reserve with the phone. We were puzzled to see them there at that time of day, as usually they camp up high and meander down the hill during the day. It was as if they were expecting a storm or something. Maybe they respond to changes in atmospheric pressure, even if the weather stays fine. Or perhaps they were anticipating spending a warm afternoon under the shade of the trees. Anyway, they took little interest in us.

I am lucky to have anything to show for today, as we've had people working here all day. The scaffolders arrived before 7.00 am to take down our scaffolding. They finished around lunchtime, but meanwhile the painters were in doing some touch-up work, and the guys came to re-hang our curtains and blinds. They arrived at 9.30 am and were here for most of the day. Our two remaining carpenters had a few things to finish off, then tidying up, and several trips carting away rubbish and returning their gear to the builder's yard. So we have our house back, and even the garage now the builders have cleared out their stuff. Lots of unpacking and putting away still to do, and an unbelievable number of items to fix on the walls. It is taking us a bit longer this time, too, as we're trying to ensure that they will stay there if we have another large earthquake.

I'm hoping I'll be able to make a bit more time for photography again now than I have for the past few weeks.

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