
As you know I am not averse to snooping around investigating abandoned buildings , purely in the name of historical research. Well, this large apricot coloured edifice is another abandoned building, plonked in the middle of attractive rural countryside, peppered by the odd farm. It looks finished on the outside but further investigation proved astonishing. Inside it is just bare concrete blocks yet sheets of plaster board, bales of wool insulation, piles of brand new doors and lengths of piping lay abandoned as though whoever was working on it just lay down tools and left. I suspect this is exactly what happened as somewhere along the chain the money ran out. There is another similar house further up the road, equally large and inappropriate and a rather nasty pale blue. Amazingly neither have been vandalised and as far as I know, are not for sale. Ironically, in spite of these ghost houses there is meant to be a national shortage of houses. It doesn't add up.
This reminded me for some reason of a Trumpton house! The hours of fun watching this when the boys were little. Who can remember the names of the fireman - come on, you know you can!!

Thanks for all the concern for yesterday's pony. My friend is providing hay and water and I shall continue to slip him the odd carrot and apple, so he will be okay.

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