Secret Santa Treats

My Secret Blip Santa certainly knows the way to my heart - honeycomb and chocolate. Delicious!!
I obviously had to test it.
A few times!
Like a Crunchie but a million times better as it was homemade.
Thank you!!
Today has been a rush.
It was the Little Misses' last day at school and they broke up at 1130am after Assembly.
I dropped them off, rushed home and did Olympic speed wrapping and got all of Miss L's presents from Santa wrapped.
Then I rushed back to school to get them - and all their cards, goodies, crafty bits, cakes, chocolates, snowglobes, reindeer head dresses and calendars (a fantastic one from Miss E - definitely a future Blip)
Then there was a brief interval - for more endless Groundhog Day tidying - before rushing to swimming.
From there I had to rush to Maids Moreton to pick up a load of pink Duplo for Miss L which I bought 0n a Buckingham Facebook page for the bargain price of £5.
Then it was home.
And then back to Tescos because, idiot that I am, I'd forgotten we had nothing for dinner.
Now I'm collapsed on the sofa and not moving for the rest of the night!

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