Today's Forum Challenge is a tree. Coincidentally I received a new ( to me ) Christmas tree this morning. The tale of this tree starts last January when my friend Jan mentioned that she had bought a new Christmas tree in The Sales and was going to give her old one to a Charity Shop. Not in January of course but wait till later in the year. I said that I wouldn't mind buying it off her as my tree was past its best. She said I could have it - but she didn't want any money. As it was packed away in the loft she said she would give it to me nearer to Christmas.

I mentioned the tree to her last week and she was insistent that she had already given it to me. She checked with her husband who also was sure I already had it. Well of course I didn't have it so I just put it out of my mind and was going to get my old tree out this weekend to put up.

However Jan phoned me last night to say they had been in the loft for something else and found the tree. She brought it round this morning. I was out most of the day so I took it out of the box this evening. Cats were very interested in it - and the box it came in. Here is Lily investigating.

I went to the match this afternoon. Travel was a nightmare. 2 buses never turned up. Waited 40 mins before a bus finally arrived. Then when we got to The Redheugh Bridge over the river Tyne to cross to Newcastle we didn't go over it but turned away and the bus headed in the direction of the Tyne Bridge. I couldn't figure out why and assumed that the Redheugh Bridge was closed. However I overheard the driver on the radio to the depot telling them that the bridge was " chokka " with traffic and she was going an alternative route to town. Couldn't believe what I was hearing as we were now stuck in a massive traffic jam crawling along and it took us ages to even reach the Tyne Bridge. Would have been better to stick it out and go on the proper route. Eventually reached Newcastle at 20 to 3 and I had to dash to the ground. Got to my seat with one minute to spare.

Newcastle played Southampton and the score was 1 -1. It was an action packed match. At one stage the referee got hit in the face by a Newcastle player - by accident - and was laid flat out on the pitch. Think it was a match Newcastle could have won but Southampton just weren't having it.

After the match I went shopping and arrived at the bus stop at 5 past 7 to make my way home. The bus due at 7.12pm never turned up. The bus due at 7.42 eventually arrived at 8pm. So almost an hour of waiting. Our bus timetable might as well be torn up as they never seem to run to any sort of schedule. Rant over ---- until the next time.

I've had a nice relaxing evening- had salmon for my evening meal and watched a bit of telly. Neil came in around 10pm - 13 hour shift for him today. He seems worn out and has gone straight to bed.

If anyone is still reading this - well thank you. I have gone on a bit. But its a record of my day after all.

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