60th anniversary

60th anniversary of our university's bowling team. (I was a member of the team while in uni)

So we celebrated it this evening by inviting a guest from the Japanese diet and from some other universities.
Mr. Koizumi (former Primister's son who took over his father's foundation) spoke about his activites in helping the Tohoku region recovering from the March 11, 2011 earthquake. Also spoke about movements in recent politics such as China's Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea (which covers Japanese teratory creating tension recently) describing the similarities from the Cuban crisis in 1962 and some ambitions about Abenoimics policies pursuing econmic growth in the country.
I agree with his words that a Japanese should at least once visit the Tohoku region and take a look at the aftermaths of the earthquake & tsunami and that people should think more about what they can do for there country rather than asking for what the country can do for them (jusk like what JFK said).

Good food (too busy to eat though!), good atmosphere (the lounge is usually only for VIPs from Keio University) and empressed to see many people.

Long day today starting to jog from 7am to 10am running 30km and writing some Christmas cards during the day before coming to help this event from 4pm followed by a second round ending at 11pm.

I'm going to sleep very welk this evening.

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