
By PorridgeWog


DDW's December Challenge Day 15 : Vista

Evie the Wonderdog, Sigyn the Inquisitive and Talisker the Joyful were careering around this morning and HV and I decided to get out for an early walk with them along the shore. The sun was still only just above the horizon and the shore was pretty much deserted when we got there. We were blown along by a fairly strong wind and watched the dogs charging around enjoying themselves. The breakers coming in off the Atlantic were huge this morning and the wind was ripping the tops off them as they curled over. Both of us came home covered in sea salt and having had a really good walk. We got way more fresh air than one would normally expect on a walk of that duration, mainly because the fresh air was all moving at about 40mph. It was bracing!
I make no apology for another pic of Hoy. This time I shall call it a vista ;)

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