The Sun is in there somewhere!

We almost slept in this morning! It was nearly 7 before I went through to put the kettle on, switched on the living room light an - POP! - the lights fused. Thought "soddit!" and settled for the little table lamps before going on to organise breakfast. After taking Rona for her morning run/walk where we took this we popped up to see MaggieD's Mum before lunch and a spot of home electrics. Since this is the second time that particular light has fused, I may have to refer to our local electrical engineers in case there is a serious fault.
We went out again this afternoon seeking geese but scored a duck! Our local paper this week ran a story about goose shooting out on the flat lands near the Forth so I suspect those geese have read this story and are giving the area the swerve!

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