As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM

The Bag and the Bear

I've been procrastinating for a while now trying to decide which of three shots to upload today. Will it be me in black with my big hat? will it be a Sunflower? or, will it be this one.....

I like them all - too hard to choose so I'll just give in and up load this!

I can always photograph the sunflowers again tomorrow - they're still pretty healthy which is good as I bought them over a week ago.....

I've not done as much with the camera today as hoped - once I'd taken this batch of shots this morning I decided it was time to blitz the garage. A job well done - the front half is now full of stuff for the tip and the back half is relatively tidy. Once the junk is cleared then I'll continue and really tidy up!

Sadly no interesting dead beasties found Just evidence of where the mice had been living last winter.

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