More Mall decorations

Haven't had a chance to go mall hopping yet to take in all the decorations as I seem to be stumbling upon them, without any great effort! Here's some cheery looking snowmen just waiting for people like me to come along and make their day. I thought they looked rather warm and inviting, for snowmen ;-). Poinsettias yet again completing the enaemble.

Otherwise a quiet, get things accomplished sort of day for which I was grateful. Still a few more 'things' to do before the big day and Martin and our camping buddies are pressuring me to fit a camping trip in before Christmas! There are just not enough days to do all I'd like to do, oh the pressure .. Not to mention the fact that it's a freezing 13C out there!!

Yay, holidays start for Martin tomorrow. Grateful for the end of year winding down tine.

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