
By SomethingAwful


Sam and his flatmate Gaby selecting songs for the kitchen.

Bit of a blur... Woke up, had a nap in Sam's bed while he was off in class, Franny dropped by and we had a good old natter. Saw Gav and Adrien in Terrace bar, convinced Sam and Gav to come to dinner. Sam EVENTUALLY finished his essay so we headed off ten minutes ahead, followed by the boys. Yay for Sam.

Tonight was an interesting one.

Started off well (after Le Gusta, hmm).

Got on the uni express (aka TAXI express!) by fluke, after some kitchen times with Sam's flat and then his German friends.

Got to Kasbah before everyone else, loving life. Drink or two, little dance in the indie room. Then everyone else got steadily merrier while I got steadily grumpier! Annoying what a very full belly and a quickly-crowding club can do to a sober person!

I won't bore you with the details. It was an eventful and interesting night, and at the end of the day, at least it was one full of (mostly) people who are lovely and wonderful and mean a lot to me.

Late to bed, lots of chatting and deep conversations and chocolate fingers.
And it was all dandy (for the most part) by the time everyone woke up the next morning.

Reverting to my old term 3 (and 2 and 1 and year 2) ways? No, sir. Seeing clearly, and more willing to do so with each step.
All's well that ends well.

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