
By samsticks

Live at The Toff

A comparatively short day at work today (only 10 hours), and I didn't get to eat my lunch until 11pm. Some days are just like that, and yet I still haven't ticked anything work related off my to do list (*sigh*).

At least we had a gig to look forward to, and at The Toff, no less. I can honestly say that that's the best sound I've ever played with, either in France, the UK or here in Australia. Jason the sound guy really (really) knows his stuff, and it was just amazing. We played a good set and I had the luxury of playing on the backline, so I could have a few beers because I didn't have to drive home to get the kit back.

We had a bit of a chill out time in the Green Room (which at the Toff is known as 'The Cock Room' because every surface and gig poster has been erm... redecorated with a certain part of the male anatomy) with the April Maze before the set. I took plenty of shots and we were having a great time. It was fantastic to hang out and then get to listen to those guys again, they're really so polished, and they certainly acquired a few fans tonight (including the guitarist from The Seekers, who was in the audience and spent a fair bit of time chatting with the band at the end of the show).

Anyway back to work tomorrow, so to bed with me!

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