Shopping Frenzy?

Not at all. Bantry is jaunty, festive yet very civilised. There are no unseemly frenzies going on but this might all change next Tuesday when things could get very ferocious over the last sprouts to be had in in Super Valu (sic)! I did well today and got marzipan, stuffing and a pudding. Mary, the checkout person, was very disappointed that I wasn't keen to avail of my half price turkey voucher. I took it just to please her. The Anchor Tavern is an old bar, with a unique (yes Ellisroger!!) colour scheme. I've never been brave enough to go inside - handy place for an office, or possibly not!

An interesting morning. Siobhán from the newly formed Sheep's Head Tourism Co-op came down for coffee and a chat. I wanted to check whether anyone else was doing a book about the Sheep's Head. They're not and she was very enthusiastic and supportive, and possibly two books might be feasible - one photographic, and the other based on my recent rambles around the Sheep's Head Way. She knows publishers too and who knows, there may be some money available. Quite exciting.

The wind is getting up and all hell is meant to be breaking loose around 10pm! The weather was still considered 'lovely' in Bantry though.

Ps note red bag and red phone, all so co-ordinated!

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