Just .......

.......... a duck ............. but a very pretty, if sleepy, duck.

Feathery detail ...........

Two photos early today - this was my choice. I now have to wait in for the UPS man to collect a package - I bet anything he comes just before the deadline time of 1.00pm!!

I seem to be running round in circles ..... no time to comment, respond or look at other journals .... not yet finished the Christmas shopping and I have two missions this week - an overseas flight in the early hours of tomorrow - Thu - and back in the evening and then another very early start on Friday into Saturday north of the border - at least I am not driving on that one so can relax a little!

I haven't got the tree up yet, haven't posted the cards (or even written some of them), haven't even thought about grocery shopping ....... looks like a busy Sunday and Monday for me - lol.

The life of an international spy and jetsetter makes for almost no spare moments at this festive time!!!

Thank you all for popping by my journal even though I am not returning the compliment - very, very much appreciated.

~ Anni ~

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