Vulcan Lighting

Had a great day at the museum cleaning up an old set of aircraft platform steps and taking the wheels off because they were seized.
Kevin Smith came along and finished off the lighting he has been working on and it looks quite spectacular.
I haven't captured it all but along the side instrument panels of both pilot seats he has installed red LED light strips to give that night flying feeling and across the top of the instrument panel white LED strip. Also some of the alarm buttons have been illuminated with white LED's as the button lens' are coloured glass.

On the negative side it was only when I was starting to do my blip that I realised it was the 18 December. It was 39 years ago today that Marlane and I met for the first time and this year is the first time I'd forgotten it, until 16:15 anyway. I was mortified and when I told Marlane she said "Why do you think I asked if you had had a good time when you got back from the Jet Age Museum at 1.oo o'clock"! She is very forgiving though, I just felt awful because I always think of this as a very important anniversary.

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