Compound words

In finnish language there is really plenty of compound words. And somehow it seems to be difficult nowadays for the younger generation to be sure how to write words right. Also the grammar in finnish differs a lot from other languages in Europe.

English language affects to our language a lot, I quess.

In the blip there is part of your son's presentation dealing the western Tampere. When I read it yesterday, I was not delighted at all, there was so many mistakes in compounded words! Tonight we read the presentation togheter aloud scentence after scentence and word after word - and he heared tall he mistakes ok. I also told him tips how to know if the words should write compouned or not. And then he made corrections. And I checked the text then again. this time quite ok.

Smart kid he is, but I wonder what they teach them in the school anyway???

Soon starts the xmas holiday. Two more days left for that!
My right knee is killing me again. Very sore. The doctor said is the meniscus maybe is broken. I have to wait for healing.

Thanks for your comnents and stars to yesterdays Little palace. Kind of you!


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